Integrating Thirdweb with NFTpay

Use the following workflow to integrate Thirdweb contracts with NFTpay

To successfully integrate your Thirdweb contract, there are some steps you'll need to follow first.

Step 1: Go to third web, and claim one of your NFTs This will open metamask. Execute the transaction and then go to etherscan to find the transaction.

Click any claim transaction:

Step 2: Copy the transaction id from the URL in etherscan (the part in bold):

(Your transaction id will be different to the one above).

Step 3: Go to the website and view your transaction there. The link you'll need to use to do this is as follows. Replace the part in bold with your transaction id:

In tenderly, you can get the input of the function by clicking on Input & Output: Show

Step 4: Copy these inputs and then this is the URL parameters that you need for NFTPAY

  "_receiver": "0xf1381c0407bc7cfa8167675862ce980515758fc4", // not needed
  "_quantity": "1", // not needed
  "_currency": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
  "_pricePerToken": "300000000000000000",
  "_allowlistProof": {
    "proof": [
    "quantityLimitPerWallet": "0",
    "pricePerToken": "0",
    "currency": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
  "_data": "0x00"

Modified, it becomes:

  "_currency": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
  "_pricePerToken": "300000000000000000",
  "_allowlistProof": {
    "proof": [
    "quantityLimitPerWallet": "0",
    "pricePerToken": "0",
    "currency": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
  "_data": "0x00"

Step 5: Now take this JSON and put it into URL parameters as follows:


If you are still experiencing issues with your parameters after following these steps, you MUST then provide us with:

1. a successful simulated tenderly transaction


2. Your input JSON. Once we have this info we will be able to support you further!

Last updated